May 28, 2017 -This Week's Meal Prep Session!
After a two-week hiatus, it's back to meal prepping. I had to dig into my freezer and use up some of my reserves due to not meal prepping. Although Monday is Memorial Day here and, therefore a holiday, I'm still meal prepping on Sunday. It's been raining all week and weekend and I haven't had much time to work on my garden. Tomorrow's forecast calls for a nice day so I wanted to take advantage of it. I love love love my summer garden! So far we have been able to pick about half a pound of strawberries per day for the past week. My lettuces, which came back from last year on their own, are growing well and we can start to eat some of them. A lot of my summer prepping will be dependent on what I can pick from the garden. This also encourages the kids to eat fruits and veggies since they see where their food is coming from and they can help me tend to them and pick them. This week's meal prep took less than two hours (if you don't count the slow...