October 16 - This week's meal prep session!

To be quite honest I wasn't really feeling the meal prepping this weekend. I had had a long week where I spent many nights working late on a cake for my son's birthday and by the time the party was over yesterday I was completely exhausted,  hadn't done my recipe list, and therefore hadn't done my grocery list. I was seriously considering dipping into my planning ahead stash in the freezer downstairs. Finally I decided to suck it up buttercup and sat down to think of recipes that were healthy and really quick to make. The four recipes I came up with ended up filling the bill quite well.

As part of my grocery list I bought a 10 ounce container of fresh baby spinach and therefore I wanted to use it all instead of letting it go to waste so a lot of the recipes have spinach in them.  Popeye would be so proud! the beans and rice recipe was big enough to feed us for dinner on Sunday and I have enough for another dinner during the week, I also pre-cook my rice so I won't even have to worry about that. The stuffed peppers contributed to my planning ahead stash as there are eight halves and we will each have one half at dinner time. Lunches were stuffed spuds and chicken wraps both containing rotisserie chicken. Rotisserie chicken often finds its way into my recipes. It's such a convenient and tasty ingredient to use.


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